- Advocates for Dr. Sebi – Disease is a multi billion dollar industry

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THE DR. SEBI ADVOCACY PROGRAM If you find that you can not afford the herbs or that you do not have the funds to make it to Honduras the Advocacy Program will help you. It cost five dollars to get on the list. ADVOCATES FOR DR. SEBI Once on the… Continue reading

Straight to the point, stretching your legs with your feet waist-level high will raise your heart rate fast! This will boost your metabolism and signal your body to start burning fat. If you remain stationary for more than 10 minutes even if you switch legs every 20 seconds, you will start to sweat.

Dr. Sebi spoke about exercising to acknowledge that you must sweat because it helps remove toxins from the body. You can do this particular exercise around the house if you have stairs, an island, stove or washing machine. Simply hold the position and go for a deeper stretch when you feel an encouraging sensation to do so. This exercise is perfect for any moderately out-of-shape males near the age of 50, weighing between 250lb and 270lbs with heights up to 6 ‘2ft tall.

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