- A Dude Abikes | The Dude Abides. I'm A Dude AbiKes. I wonder as I wander around Austin on a bicycle.

Description: The Dude Abides. I'm A Dude AbiKes. I wonder as I wander around Austin on a bicycle.

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It’s been a while since I did one of these roundups, and since a new month is starting, I figure why not? Like many places around the northern hemisphere, Central Texas is suffering through a record red-hot sweltering summer. We just passed 22 days in a row of temperatures of 100 F or over and are on track for an all-time record of 30 consecutive days. So far this summer we’ve had a total of 41 days in the triple-digits… and counting. It’s enough to make you want to stay inside in the air conditioning.

Which is exactly what the doctor(s) ordered for this dude. So, I’m mostly biking inside on the boring, loud trainer to avoid the soul-sapping sultriness and the very harmful ultraviolet rays. Bicycling may be a solution to pollution, but not if you’re collapsing from heat stroke and getting skin cancer. Don’t do that. I’ve learned the hard way that we need to over-hydrate and slather on that sunscreen. Still, bike news in Austin continues, so here’s a little of that.

According to the local NBC station KXAN , Austin got a new bike polo court. Thing is, it was exactly on the site of the previous place where bike polo was played. A little like The Who’s “meet the new boss, same as the oldboss.” The Austin Texas Bike Polo Social Club asked for a grant for the City to upgrade it, and that’s what happened.

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