- Research Statement - Adnan Armouti

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CS PhD @ Cornell Tech

I’m a Computer Science PhD candidate at Cornell Tech advised by Prof. Rajalakshmi Nandakumar . My research interests span wireless sensing, computer vision and multimodal sensor fusion for applications in scene understanding, human-centered sensing, and affective computing. Previously, I completed my Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering at UCLA, advised by Prof. Achuta Kadambi at the Visual Machines Group . I also completed my Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering and Bachelor of

June 2023: Received UCLA ECE’s Distinguished MS Thesis and Outstanding MS Student awards. April 2023: I will attend Cornell ’s CS PhD program, advised by Prof. Rajalakshmi Nandakumar. January 2023: SIGGRAPH 2022 paper covered by UCLA Newsroom , Daily Bruin , and Forbes . August 2022: Co-presented poster at SIGGRAPH (Vancouver, BC) and ICCP (Pasadena, CA). June 2022: Attended CVPR (New Orleans, LA). May 2022: Journal paper accepted to SIGGRAPH 2022. January 2022: Awarded the VMG GSR Scholarship. June 2021: A

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