- AddisCoder

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AddisCoder is a free intensive 4-week summer program in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia introducing high schoolers to programming and algorithms. The program ran previously in 2011, 2016, 2018, and 2019, and was then paused due to the pandemic. The next offering of AddisCoder will be July 17 to August 11, 2023. When applications open again, prospective students and teaching assistants can both apply here . For those interested in supporting us, click here . You may also follow us on Twitter , Instagram , or Facebook

AddisCoder students are current high schoolers who come from all across Ethiopia for 4 weeks to take the course in Ethiopia’s capital city, Addis Ababa. In 2011 in the first edition of the course, students registered themselves for the course via e-mail. Since 2016, the program has grown much larger into a collaborative effort between AddisCoder Inc. and the Meles Zenawi Foundation, attracting top students from all regions of Ethiopia with help from the Ministry of Education.

The students taking the course are very strong performers in mathematics and basic sciences, often ranking amongst the top handful of students in all of Ethiopia on national exams ( note: Ethiopia has a population of over 100 million!), though in the vast majority of cases have little to no experience with programming.

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