- addicted2data | Musings on the intersection of analytics, healthcare, and IoT

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In Taiwan, iWEECARE claims  the world’s smallest continuous temperature monitor , and $2.5m in seed funding. 

Plenty has been written about Medicare’s bundled payment experiments (mostly known as  BPCI ). Much less has been written about how commercial payers have been working on bundles too.  A review shows some success , but also points out some things which may be a challenge for Medicare. Namely, that tight coordination and data integration between providers and payers is one of the keys to success. In contrast to that, I can remember an executive from  Remedy Partners  on a podcast maybe 5 years ago. (Remedy P

Apparently some parts of the health insurance industry have decided that the COVID-19 pandemic is over. Or at least,  UnitedHealthcare and Anthem are stopping the waiver of patient co-pays for telehealth  that was introduced earlier in the year. What happens if the second wave hits..? Or did the first wave never end….