- A Cloth and Water – Live Clean, Live Whole, Live More

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I met my husband 12 years ago at our private college while in our junior year. We got married with $50,000 in student loans with the vision to slay that giant as quickly as possible. We landed our first jobs out of college, had our first baby, and bought our first home. Then a wrench was thrown into our financial plan when I lost my job during the economy crash and I was unable to find another job in my field that would be enough to pay for daycare and contribute to our debt giant. And so it sat there, over

Consumer debt in our nation is at an all time high. Too many times I have heard stories of people that feel defeated under a piles of college, credit card, car, mortgage and more as people feel pressure to keep up and provide their families with an abundant life. People embrace the lie that you HAVE to go into debt to build good credit (so that you can go into more debt!) and get the opportunities to get ahead in life.

Before joining Norwex and starting my own business from home, I was a hostess, getting ready to host a Norwex party to learn more about it and get some things for my home. In my hosting materials, there was a sheet titled “Dare to Dream – The Sky is the Limit” and it talked about income. We were living paycheck to paycheck at the time. I desperately wanted to earn income for my family BUT I also wanted to stay home with my kids. So with a leap of faith, I decided to try the opportunity. At first it brought