- ACE-SIP - Algorand Centre of Excellence on Sustainability Informatics for the Pacific

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ACE-SIP ( A lgorand C entre of E xcellence on S ustainability I nformatics for the P acific ), funded by Algorand Foundation under the competitive Algorand Centres of Excellence (ACE) Program, is the only Australian ACE among the 10 winners in the world. It is a multi-university team advancing the state-of-the-art Algorand blockchain technology, the world’s most powerful and sustainable blockchain, from research and education to provide sustainability in the Pacific Region. Led by Monash University in Austr

Our ACE aims to make a global impact on sustainable development, particularly in the Pacific.

We will adopt an integrated approach focused on environmental sustainability (climate change, energy and water), governmental sustainability (protection, streamlined processes and waste reduction) and social and community sustainability (supply chains, real estate, Fintech and culture).

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