- Social Change Platforms – Building the Future For Decentralized Identification

Example domain paragraphs

)\r\n stringsElement: null,\r\n \/\/ typing speed\r\n typeSpeed: 30,\r\n \/\/ time before typing starts\r\n startDelay: 1200,\r\n \/\/ backspacing speed\r\n backSpeed: 20,\r\n \/\/ time before backspacing\r\n backDelay: 500,\r\n \/\/ loop\r\n loop: true,\r\n \/\/ false = infinite\r\n loopCount: false,\r\n \/\/ show cursor\r\n showCursor: false,\r\n \/\/ character for cursor\r\n cursorChar: \"|\",\r\n \/\/ attribute to type (null == text)\r\n attr: null,\r\n \/\/ either html or text\r\n contentType: 'html',\

Build Black Wealth via Social Change Apps (with a Tax Invest Program)

Public Sector Blockchain Infrastructure Program (PSBIP)