- Accessible Visualization Workshop

Example domain paragraphs

In conjunction with: The ubiquity of data visualization across various domains—from data science and machine learning to business intelligence, medical science, and education—demonstrates its critical role in conveying complex information. However, it is now well-known that visualizations may create inequitable access to information for people with different disabilities (e.g., vision, motor, or cognitive disabilities). In response, the accessibility and visualization fields have sought to increase the acce

We welcome position papers (2-4 pages) that discuss topics relevant to accessible data visualizations. Papers can summarize previous work, propose future work or ideas, present tools and systems, or present a vision. Each submission will be reviewed by two members of the organizing team. Potential topics include, but are not limited to:

All registered attendees of VIS will be able to access the workshop. For any questions or inquiries, please email us at [email protected] .

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