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Accentyou8 was developed to support your most authentic, healthy and beautiful self. We wanted to create products and an environment where your natural self could be accentuated and celebrated. The products created were done so by embracing what Earth has to offer. The thought process that “The medicine is in the earth” is one that drives our creativity. Feed the Earth and she will feed you.

I am a Registered Nurse and Herbalist. Western medicine has its pros and its cons. One of the cons is that it doesn’t necessarily put as much focus as it should on prevention. The earth provides the things we need to help prevent chronic conditions, if used properly. From our food to our skin products, we see commercials that focus on treatments. At Accentyou8, we believe in the practice of putting more effort into prevention by changing our diets and routines. Its definitely a struggle— even for myself— to

[email protected]