aboriginallivesmatter.carrd.co - aboriginallivesmatter

Description: Black Lives Matter in Australia, not just the US. Indigenous Australians continue to be punished by our racist criminal 'justice' system. DO THE WORK: Educate yourself. Sign the petitions. Donate, not just this week, but in the future, because this problem isn't going away overnight.

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Indigenous Lives Matter. Black Lives Matter in Australia, not just the US. DO THE WORK: Educate yourself. Sign the petitions. Donate, not just this week, but in the future, because this problem isn't going away overnight. Listen and learn to BIPOC voices and be anti-racist in your daily life. Updated: 12 Apr 2021

CREDIT/SOURCES: Links Document #1 Links Document #2 Links Document #3 Junkee list of U.S. Black-owned businesses Note: I am not Aboriginal and the source documents were not created by Aboriginal Australians. Please contact me if there's anything that needs changing!

Send to your federal government representative. FIND OUR WHO YOUR MP IS HERE Personalised emails tend to be better received, but you can use the following templates to help you write. Additional templates and sample emails can be found here Subject: Justice for Aboriginal Deaths in Custody Hello [Minister/Name of Your MP], I am a [your electorate] resident contacting you regarding the disproportionate rates of Aboriginal deaths in police custody and the racial prejudices that are present in many of these ca