abideinthetruelight.blogspot.ca - Abide In The True Light

Description: Living in the radiant light and love of Jesus: the Messiah

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Example domain paragraphs

She is lovely, delicate, faithful, and chaste.  She is watching,  waiting, saving herself for her Groom.  While waiting for Him to return, she has neither compromised her high standards nor conformed to the ways of this world.  She has kept her bridal gown clean and white - free from the stains of infidelity.  She has not given away her innocence to the seductive lurings of those around her or given her heart to the tempters of wealth and fame.  Her eyes have been fixed only on the skies and to the promise

We, as Christians, must remember that people are watching our lives. What we do, what we say, how we act, what we watch, what we listen to, where we go, what we fill our lives with, etc. Our lives are a ministry. We are either going to be a good example of Christ's Love and Salvation and help lead them on a path of newness, peace, purity, refreshment, cleansing, and light OR we will be a shameful example and lead them on a path of destruction by showing them that a Christian can live no differently than the

"Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you," (2 Corinthians 6:17 KJV) The message is quite clear. It needs no translation. It really needs no explanation. "Be Ye Separate" . Frankly, this is a passage of scripture that speaks for itself. However, there are Christians who do not understand the importance of this scripture nor do they feel that this scripture needs to be taken literally or seriously, for that matter. It does