abettertech.net - A BETTER TECH

Description: A Virtual public interest technology convention and career fair.

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The 2021 NYU Public Interest Technology (PIT) Convention and Career Fair was a virtual hands-on event for professionals, researchers and students interested in creating a better world through technology. It was the first convening of its kind in the US, bringing together the country’s most talented students and leading researchers with organizations and companies that are at the forefront of creating responsible and accountable tech that serves the public interest. 

Through hands-on workshops, dialogues, keynotes, ideas presentations, a hackathon and a virtual career fair, participants shared the latest developments in the PIT field, learned about careers in PIT, and connected with professionals working in this area across lots of different sectors and industries.

Tune in October 14, 2021 at 9:30am EST here on the website.

Links to abettertech.net (2)