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Description: I always loved to travel and then I met Alan, who loves to travel too, and to my delight in the same style. We have been exploring the world together ever since and got married along the way way.

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I always loved to travel and then I met Alan, who loves to travel too, and to my delight in the same style. We have been exploring the world together ever since and got married along the way way. We travel full time, hand luggage only and on a budget.

Have you ever met anyone who “collects” airports?  I’m sure they’re out there. Probably lots of them but we’ve never met one.

Alan decided one day (long story) that he will start his Airport “collection”. He had to fly either into or out of the airport. Merely visiting the terminal would not suffice – that’s caused a bit of heartache over the years. I loved Alan’s collection so I decided to join it.

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