aaronmayer.me - Hi! I'm Aaron! 🎉

Description: I'm a writer, musician, storyteller, and audiobook enthusiast!

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Hi! I'm Aaron! 🎉 I'm a writer , musician , storyteller , and audiobook enthusiast . 2023 Update: I just released a new album with my older brother! Check it out on Bandcamp!

Currently: GP at Open Heart Capital , a $5M crypto fund that donates its performance fee . Settled in SF after 2.5 years of living nomadically, originally from NYC. Previously: Co-Director, Effective Altruism NYC Growth, Enigma (now Secret Network ) Adjunct professor of social entrepreneurship, CUNY Science educator, American Museum of Natural History Ever and always: Co-Founder, Impact Labs BA in philosophy (ethics), Brown University In 2017, I took the Giving What We Can pledge to donate 10% of my income.

Communities I’m a part of: Effective altruism , Interact Fellows , Slavin Fellows , The Learned League , One Salon , Foresight Institute (Existential Hope fellow 2023), OnDeck (Longevity Biotech #1), the pirates of ARRR!!! , and all the amazing community houses I’ve lived in. Projects I’m working on or have worked on in the past:

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