a2fberkeley.org - Acts Two Fellowship — Christian Fellowship at UC Berkeley (a2f) - Christian Fellowship at UC Berkeley

Description: acts2fellowship (a2f) is a Christian fellowship at UC Berkeley. We eat awesome food, study hard, go on fun trips, and just “do life” together. Come join us!

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acts2fellowship (a2f)  - a UC Berkeley christian fellowship group | student club group at Berkeley  

Don\u2019t miss our virtual WINTER RETREAT coming up Fed. 12-14! \u2744\uFE0F \u2B50\uFE0F \uD83D\uDCD6 Click here for more info!

Acts Two Fellowship — college, friends, home away from home, purpose, getting to know Jesus, late night Top Dog runs, supporting one another and hanging out. We’re a student group at UC Berkeley open to all students regardless of background that tries to live out Acts chapter 2 (the first Christian community) and journey college together!

Links to a2fberkeley.org (7)