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ADA compliant websites comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, a law designed to protect individuals with disabilities from discrimination. In particular, Title III of the act requires businesses with 15 or more employees to make all of their services accessible by people with disabilities. This includes websites and digital content. Making a website ADA compliant means ensuring that it meets all accessibility requirements, including creating alternative navigation methods for those who can

Ensuring that your website is ADA compliant offers a myriad of advantages to both the public and businesses. An ADA compliant website will ensure safety, ease of use capabilities, and improved communication among users with varying levels of accessibility. Not only does this mean more people can access information but it also opens up opportunities for more business and brand loyalty. On the consumer side, having adaptive tools to easily interact with websites regardless of physical disability removes the r

Creating an ADA compliant website offers numerous benefits, not the least of which is improved accessibility for disabled people. With more sites becoming increasingly accessible, disabled people can access information and services they otherwise could not. For instance, a website with captions or audio descriptions can make it easier for those who are visually impaired to navigate the web. Similarly, websites designed in a way that ensures reasonable time for processing user input will help users who have