a-z-presents.com - A-Z Presents

Description: A—Z is an independent space in Berlin with the mission of expanding the territory of graphic design by rethinking its limits and challenging traditional perceptions. At the storefront space, located in the heart of the city, inspiring graphic designers are invited to unfold their artistic, conceptual or formally experimental projects. The space also hosts talks, workshops and other events, in partnership with invited designers, initiatives, collectives and institutions worldwide.

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A—Z is dedicated to develop, showcase and promote ideas and projects in which graphic design goes beyond its boundaries and explores its more unconventional and experimental facets …

A—Z is an independent space in Berlin with the mission of expanding the definition of graphic design by rethinking its limits and challenging traditional perceptions. At the storefront space, located in the heart of the city, inspiring graphic designers are invited to unfold their artistic, conceptual or formally experimental projects.

By showcasing individuals who are open to transposing the boundaries of their own practices, A—Z is setting a counterpoint to the predominant trends of over-specialization. The idea is to provide an transdisciplinary environment where graphic design enters into dialogue with other areas, such as contemporary art, cultural research and social engagement.

Links to a-z-presents.com (11)