a-gu.blogspot.tw - That's Impossible: Politics from Taiwan

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With your unpaid host, A-gu (阿牛)

First, the former President's two most attention-grabbing sentences in his article in Voice (you can buy access to the full issue for 700 yen). Forgive and correct any problems with the translation from Japanese, if you would be so kind: 「当時われわれ兄弟は、紛れもなく『日本人』として、祖国のために戦ったのである」 "At that time my brothers [Taiwanese people], who were beyond doubt [acting in the capacity of] Japanese person[s], fought for the motherland [Japan]." 「日本と台湾は『同じ国』だったのである。『同じ国』だったのだから、台湾が日本と戦った(抗日)という事実もない」 "Japan and Taiwan were the

Written by 阿牛 on 8/21/2015 0 Comments