90million.org - 90 Million Strong

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Tap the binomo tricks tools! The 90 Million Strong campaign offers you a toolkit of materials to help engage people interested in stopping all executions and ending the death penalty. There is also a host of facts and other information for those who may not yet have an opinion. Learn more about the 90 Million Strong campaign too. The time is now to make our voices heard!

MEETING IN A BOX FUNDRAISING 101 Want to get to travel to a state to support death penalty repeal efforts, attend a conference or meeting, raise money to help a local anti-death penalty organization but just don’t have any funds? Just because you don’t have the funds today, doesn’t mean that you can’t raise it. We have compiled some helpful tips that may assist you in raising money to be a powerful advocate for abolition.

FUNDRAISING 101 TAKE THE PLEDGE TO HALT ALL EXECUTIONS In their powerful dissent, Supreme Court Justices Breyer and Ginsburg made it clear that they want the highest court to take another look at whether the death penalty is constitutional. Your voice is needed now more than ever! We need supporters like you to stand for a common sense, effective http://www.binomo-co.in/strategy approach to public safety – not the death penalty.

Links to 90million.org (1)