40dayprayerchallenge.com - The 40 Day Prayer Challenge, by SQuire Rushnell & Louise DuArt Pray Together Stay Together

Description: The 40 Day Prayer Challenge is a simple yet powerful idea that encourages partners to pray together for just five minutes a day for forty days.

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Getting your mate to pray with you? Does prayer help marital romance ? The biblical basis of Partnered Prayer? Is there scientific evidence for prayer? What happens when friends pray ? What if our prayers aren't answered ? What happens when families pray ? A relationship seems beyond ? Learn More

PRAYER FOR HUSBAND & WIFE Thank-you, Father, for my [husband/wife]. Please help us to be open and honest with each other. Help us to be kind and patient. Teach us to show appreciation every day; to honor each other; and help our marriage to grow stronger and stronger.

PRAYING WITH A FRIEND Lord, thank you for [name of friend]. Bless [name] today. Please keep [him/her] safe. Thank-you that we can trust each other with our concerns and our heart’s desires. Thank-you for this gift of friendship.