2x2coin.space - 2X2 coin | proof-of-stake cryptocurrency

Description: 2X2 is a proof-of-stake cryptocurrency with a plain and simple staking rewards program.

Example domain paragraphs

Go to menu Settings - Encrypt wallet. In the dialoge that appears, set a safe password, then confirm new passphrase by repeating it, click on OK. Must be careful not to forget the passphrase. If you forget there is no way to recover lost passphrase and access coins.

Go to menu Settings - Change passphrase. In the dialoge that appears, enter current passphrase, set new passphrase, then confirm new passphrase by repeating it.

Go to menu File - Backup wallet. In the dialoge that appears, enter file name, choose the folder location and save the file to your computer. We highly recommend for reliable data storage to make at least two copies of your wallet.dat file on different discs - for example, one on your hard disc, the another - on USB. Important: when you encrypt your wallet or change passphrase, previous backups you have made of your wallet file should be replaces with newly generated, encrypted wallet file. For security rea

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