2com-ware.ru - Chevrolet Chevrolet-Niva

Description: Ремонт и обслуживание Шевроле Нива.

шевроле-нива (5) chevrolet-niva ремонт. (1)

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Shevrole-field - an elegant off-road car. The Shevrole-field is base model of new family of off-road cars and the first fruit of creativity of joint venture "General Motors - Autovases".

On car Shevrole-Niva it is comfortable and convenient to move on city streets, and by days off to go on a summer residence. The family from three persons can easy go to holiday: places for things will suffice. All-wheel drive шевинива it is especially necessary there where roads come to an end and directions begin. Here the car feels in the plate.

In comparison with the predecessor VAZ-2123 essential changes are made to a design of an off-road car the Shevrole-field. So, keeping all best properties VAZ-21213, the car the Shevrole-field has a new bearing body of the modern form, a constant drive of all wheels, and as a number of innovations: the reducer of the forward bridge "is untied" from the engine; the design of a drive of a transmission is changed; the intermediate shaft is extended; forward and back карданные shaft are unified. In a car the sys