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Example domain paragraphs

PoSH4PlexApp is an in-development PowerShell module for querying and managing PlexApp libraries via Plex Media Server’s web listener, authored by Craig Taylor. This post provides the first release of the module along with some use notes.

An enhancement of Tao Yang’s application of the SCOM 2012 R2 UR2 PowerShell Web Browser widget, leveraging Bing Maps. Facilitating support of multiple pins per map, surfacing of rich custom data and dynamic scaling. Contains challenge, summary of approach, screenshots and code solution. Intermediate PowerShell, covering loops, SCOM cmdlets, XML handling and counting incidence of substring inside a string.

Commentated script providing a means of batch activating Virtual Machines and Physical servers using PowerShell and SCHTASKS.exe, circumventing the limitations of Invoke-Command when calling SLMGR.vbs. This script could easily be extended to work with other data-sources (Active Directory) or Hypervisors (vSphere via PowerCLI)