26broadway.org - 26 Broadway

Description: 26 Broadway, the Standard Oil Building, 26 Broadway and Alexander Hamilton, 26 Broadway Dunolly - Property Video, 26 Broadway, New York City, Scaffold 500 feet up, 26 Broadway, Geopolítica - Standard Oil em NY - Broadway 26 (externo)

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26 Broadway , also known as the Standard Oil Building , is a 31-story, 520-foot-tall (160   m) landmarked office building located at Bowling Green in the Financial District of New York City . As of 2010, the structure is the 197th tallest building in New York City and the 572nd tallest building in the United States . 26 Broadway was also the home address in the late 18th century of Alexander Hamilton, his wife Eliza, and their family.

Standard Oil's first building on the site of 26 Broadway was built in 1885 to design specifications by architect Francis H. Kimball , when Standard Oil moved its headquarters from Cleveland, Ohio . It was a 10-story, 86-foot-wide (26   m) building that extended between Broadway and New Street in Manhattan . It was designed by Ebenezer L. Roberts. In 1895, six stories were added and a 27-foot-wide (8.2   m) extension was made on its north side, designed by Kimball & Thompson . After World War I , Walter C. T

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