21tarascollective.org - 21 Taras Collective

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The 21 Taras Collective aims to bring the 21 Taras alive through mantra, music, and devotion. The melodies will support and uplift your practice, aiding in your memorization and integration of the Sanskrit mantras devoted to each Tara. The mantras stem from Arya Tara’s primary 10 syllable mantra, Om Tare Tuttare Ture Svaha, and each Tara has her own version of the primary mantra, highlighting her specific enlightened activity (Tib. trinle). This particular system of the 21 Tara pantheon is from the Nyingma

photo: Ioana Boambes

Learn more about Nina Rao and to hear her music, please visit: NinaRaoChant.com

Links to 21tarascollective.org (1)