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Example domain paragraphs

Many of the schools established after the 1870s were grammar schools, which offered places based of the results of an entrance test, dubbed the eleven plus. Places were highly sought after and viewed as offering a high chance of future success and prosperity. These schools were widely respected and became the foundations of the tier-structured education reforms of the 1940s. At the time secondary education was mainly the preserve of the middle classes. In 1938 a mere 13% of 13 year-old children from working

The Tripartite System was established comprising of grammar schools; secondary technical schools and secondary modern schools which was in use prevalent from 1944 until 1976, by which time it as phased out because very few technical schools were established due to the lack of investment and a shortage of suitably qualified teachers. This undermined the reforms, as the tripartite system became a two-tier system with grammar schools for the academic students and secondary modern schools for the rest.

Grammar schools received most funding and were regarded as best schools, taking in 25% of students, whilst the secondary moderns were under-funded and suffered neglect. They soon gained a poor reputation and regarded as the bottom tier schools. Until 1976, all children sat an exam during their final year at primary school aged between 10 and 11 years. The exam comprised of three papers: mathematical reasoning; general reasoning, and an essay. There was no official pass or fail, but ultimately with an effect

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