100percentrenewableuk.org - 100% Renewable UK - 100% Renewable UK

Description: We campaign for all UK energy requirements to be met by renewable energy by 2050, or as soon as practicable before. All energy, not just electricity, and includes energy for domestic, commercial, industrial and transport purposes.

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100% Renewable UK

For a UK running on 100% renewables by 2050 – or as soon as practicable before then – 100percentRenewableUK.org

The aim of 100% Renewable UK is to campaign for the provision of all UK’s energy requirements by renewable energy by the year 2050, or as soon as practicable before then. This means all energy, not just electricity, and includes energy for domestic, commercial, industrial and transport purposes. This implicitly excludes nuclear energy and also fossil fuels with or without carbon capture and storage. The campaign is a forum for discussion, education and campaigns for policies on particular issues. The main t

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