100milerenovations.com - 100 Mile House Home Renovations Contractor - 100 Mile House Renovations & Construction | Derek Smalley Contracting

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Looking for an experienced, reliable and trustworthy contractor in the South Cariboo? Derek Smalley Contracting can help you with your next home or commercial renovation. Local contractor Derek Smalley has been in the trades for over 15 years.  He's worked in every aspect of construction. He's recently moved to the area and has completed a number of successful projects in 2019. References available.

Derek has extensive experience in bathroom reno's. Contact him for ideas on how to re-arrange your bathroom or improve usability.

Kitchen renovations are the most challenging and difficult for a number of reasons. Did those Ikea cabinents come in the wrong size? Are you struggling with un-used space? Derek can answer all these questions and more.