0xkyc.id - 0xKYC - Private Uniqueness Verification, Onchain Sanctions Attestation and a Discord bot

Description: Onchain Attestations ☀️ Proof of Personhood and Uniqueness Verification

proof of personhood (1) onchain identity (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Block bots and duplicate-accounts Verify if your users are real and have the amount of accounts they claim to have with our Sunscreen check and Discord bot. Add our discord bot to your server → Join our discord → Supported blockchains Polygon Mainnet BNB Smart Chain Ethereum Sepolia Scroll Mainnet (Ecosystem Partner) Polygon Mainnet BNB Smart Chain Ethereum Sepolia Scroll Mainnet (Ecosystem Partner) We are backed by Deputy Dog

Ex-UK Banking Regulator

Bartłomiej Matusewicz